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Stolen Bubbles   2010, single channel HD animated video projection, Project Room, Chelsea Art Museum,

New York City sponsored by Streaming Museum. 

Stolen Bubbles is comprised by segments appropriated from Karel Zeman’ s classic film “Stolen Airships” which was found on you tube and an animation of a modern “hot air balloon” which was used in air the born public project “Bubbles” , 2009 also set over Prague. By replacing the original “airship” with an animation of a modern “hot air balloon” Marketou creates a visual interface which blurs the authorship of history , science and spectacle with humor and irony and addresses the utopia of a more innocent era in the first part of the century when “flying” was associated with wonder, freedom, mobility and wealth in contrast to associations that we make today related to fear, global warming, terrorism, aerial surveillance.

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